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How are items priced?
Items are priced using a combination of a pricing API (SteamLytics) and proprietary pricing depending on item rarity, desirability and volume.
What are the deposit restrictions?
You need to use a valid Steam Mobile Authenticator in order to deposit/withdraw. Furthermore, in order to instantly trade, you need to have it enabled for at least 7 days at the moment of the trade.
For more information, please check the Knowledge Base.

Please refrain from abusing wrongfully priced items or market manipulated items. Doing so will get your account restricted and Bux removed.
We don't accept Souvenir items, weapon cases of any kind, expensive stickers and extremely rare collectibles.
As a general rule of thumb, if your item doesn't show up in the list, it means that it's either not tradeable or not accepted.
Minimum allowed price for an item is 500 Bux.
What are the withdraw restrictions?
While using our bots for trading items is not forbidden, it's discouraged by enforcing a policy that requires users to bet the full value of their deposits before they can withdraw. Users need to be at least Level 1 and have a previous deposit to withdraw.
Can I transfer my Bux to other players?
Yes. You can use the form in the account page. You need to be at least Level 1 and have a previous deposit in order to transfer Bux.
What is Provably Fair?
Provably Fair implies that the randoms/outcomes are generated before the betting phase. The outcome cannot be altered/changed in any way.
Therefore, it is proven that the website/admins cannot change the outcome of the wheel/duel after bets have been placed.

To prove a round is fair, make sure the following equation holds:
SHA256(Salt + Random) = Hash


      Hash: e66462d3c7baf608af84d1b3e2b2e0b25fad030eb04de4757e627812be79dfa0
      Salt: 2c2d9fa7bf4b037640067f102c0c8707
      Random: 31

      Input: 2c2d9fa7bf4b037640067f102c0c870731
      Output: e66462d3c7baf608af84d1b3e2b2e0b25fad030eb04de4757e627812be79dfa0

      Both Hash and Output are the same, therefore the round is Provably Fair.

You can test it using any SHA256 hash calculator, such as this one.
Why can’t I use the chat?
We require you to have be at least Level 10 before being able to chat to prevent spam.
How do I level up?
You gain a level for every 50,000 Bux you bet on the Main Wheel (You do not gain level for duels).
The higher your level is, the bigger your daily reward will be.
How much do I get for referrals?
You receive 50 Bux, and the referral receives 1,000.
How do I enable browser notifications?
You can enable browser notifications in order to stay up to date on CSGO500 giveaways and news.
Enable them by clicking the lock icon in your browser URL. If your browser does not support push notifications, feel free to upgrade to the latest version of Chrome by visiting this link.
Why is my location blocked?
You are blocked from accessing the website from the United States or the United Kingdoms.
We cannot grant you access to our game modes due to your country's laws and regulations.
If you encounter any issues or experience any trouble with the block, please contact Support and your issue will be addressed in a timely manner.
Responsible Gaming
It's important to be in total control of your actions when playing on CSGO500.
That's why you should set yourself reasonable limits and never play more than you should.
If at any time you feel like you're overstepping your boundaries or you're out of control, please open up a support ticket and we will be happy to restrict your access to our website.
What are the chat commands and how can I use them?
Chat commands are simple messages starting with '/', that can be typed in the chat box. Type /help for a list of all of the available commands.
What should I worry about when playing on CSGO500?
There are many scammers lurking CSGO500 and their actions are inventive so try not to get fooled.
Do NOT use any third party browser extensions. They can steal your Bux and you will not be refunded! CSGO 500 does NOT own any of them.
CSGO500 Admins/Bots/Moderators will NEVER add you on Steam and they will never request any of your items. Be wary of giveaway and impersonation scams.
Do NOT execute any third party scripts in your browser console.
Something went wrong?
You can email us at
Please make sure to include your steam ID.